
For USA buyers, you can order with paypal, 1, 2 or 4 HoudiniOpoly games by clicking on this next pull down menu

HoudiniOpoly Game
For USA buyers, you can order with paypal, 1, 2 or 4 HoudiniOpoly games with the extra pawns for each set by clicking on this next pull down menu

HoudiniOpoly Game+extra special Pawns for each game

SET OF 14 PAWNS THAT MAKES THE GAME SO MUCH MORE FUN AND EXCITING! $20. US SHIPPING INCLUDED. The game comes with 6 ordinary standard small chess-like pawns as well. But we have 14 extra "Houdini" related pawns tp make the game a lot more fun. A fan, Kenny Biddle, put up this cropped picture of the pawns on his facebook page. (See below for a detailed explanation of the meaning of each of the special pawns shown. )
Houdiniopoly pieces Kenny Biddle

Extra Pawn Sets

Due to the nature of Opoly games, over time, fewer and fewer games will remain unopened, complete and intact. Once those are gone, the collectors market takes over!

Ebay has a rare collection of Houdini movies for sale

For more on the origins of the real estate trading game click on Elizabeth "Lizzy" Magie Phillips.

or webmaster(at)houdini(dot)net

For info about the deeds go to DEEDS

For info about the Play Money go to PLAY MONEY



Credit due to the following for their tireless research on Houdini and help, without which this would not have been possible, often with direct contact or via the Internet,
Dean Carnegie, Milbourne Christopher, John Cox-Wild About Houdini, Pat Culliton, Joe Fox, Walter B. Gibson, David Haversat, Leonard Hevia, John Hinson, Tom Interval, Joe Notaro, Arthur Moses, John Oliver, Fred Pittella, Bill Rauscher, Steve Santini, Mark Willoughby, and others.

Along with important books by RuthBrandon, Milbourne Christopher, Pat Culliton, Walter B. Gibson, Will Goldston, William Lindsay Houdini, Dough Henning, Beatrice Houdini, Harry Houdini, Bill Kalush, Bruce MacNab, Charles Reyonlds, Ken Silverman and others.

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